Available Scripts

To develop Merchant Center Custom Applications we recommend using the @commercetools-frontend/mc-scripts package. It's a command-line interface, inspired by react-scripts to develop and build a React application.

  • mc-scripts start

    This command starts the application in development mode. The page will reload if you edit source files.

  • mc-scripts build

    This command bundles the application in production mode to the dist/assets folder. It also creates an index.html.template file, which contains references to the generated bundle entry points. This file needs to be compiled to index.html, based on runtime values. See the deployment section for more information.

  • mc-scripts compile-html

    This command compiles the index.html.template file into an index.html file, based on some runtime configuration defined in env.json. Additionally, it also generates Content Security Policy headers, including SHA hashes based on the runtime configuration. See the deployment section for more information.

    This script requires mc-scripts build to be executed first.

  • mc-scripts extract-intl

    Extracts Intl messages into JSON files. See the command --help for more information.